Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ultrasound Update

My cervix is looking decent. It's still funneled/shortened to about 1.5 cm, but it's not open any further than the cerclage stitch (which is good). I started progesterone suppositories last Monday evening, so hopefully my cervix will stay where it is (or even get longer!)

Here are some cute 3D pics of the twins. The pics a bit blurry cuz the twins are still pretty small, but they have cute faces anyway. :-)

This is Baby A's pudgy face

This is a front view of Baby A's face with her arm out front

This is Baby A with her arm out front

This is Baby B's adorable face

This is Baby B covering his face with his arm

Here it looks like Baby B is leaning on his arm

That's all for today. Still resting--or at least trying to! :-)


  1. Ooohhh..Isn't it so exciting to seem them!

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  2. I'm glad your cervix is looking good. Great pics of the babies. I think your pics came out better than mine!

  3. Wonderful pics! They are so beautiful! Glad your cervix is behaving!

  4. It's great that things haven't gotten worse. Hopefully with the progesterone supplements and bed rest things will get better.
    Thank you so much for posting those u/s pictures. I love looking a u/s pictures of babies around the same gestation as mine. Since I can't have daily u/s's or even weekly, it helps me a lot. They are so adorable. Hopefully we will go through with some 3d pics.
