Sunday, December 28, 2008

Totally Uneventful

There is absolutely nothing going on here. I spent Friday preparing for Shabbos and then reading. Saturday was Shabbos, so I spent most of the day reading and napping. Today I slept in far too late and then spent my day on the computer. Man, I must be the biggest bore ever! lol

Oh, one thing I did! I watched the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time. I have NEVER cried so hard at the end of a movie...ever. I was really bawling. See, I started crying when all of the people were coming in to give money, but I completely lost it when Zuzu made her comment about bells ringing and angels getting wings. Oh man, that just did it. "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" (the Johnny Depp version) was on twice in the last few weeks, but I only caught the last hour or so both times. I did see it in the theaters, so it's quite all right. "The Sound of Music" is on right now, but I tuned in somewhere in the middle. This one I haven't seen in its entirety before, so it's too bad I didn't catch it earlier. I was too busy watching Million Dollar Password with Regis Philbin. :-) My mother just discovered that I've never seen the movie "Casablanca," which is basically a crime in our family. So I have a feeling she's going to make me watch it next time she comes to visit. Problem is, she's not planning to come until the twins are born, so who knows if I'll have the time (or the brains) to watch it then.

My next OB appt is Wednesday (when I'll be 24 weeks)! I don't expect anything interesting to happen, although she may schedule me to do my GTT (glucose tolerance test) for Gestational Diabetes. Then I have a parenting multiples class next Sunday and my birthing class starts the next day!! Holy cow...only 1 more week until my birthing class starts. Luckily, I consider myself to be a birthing expert, so I'm really just going for my hubby's benefit. Should be interesting to see if I do learn anything new. It will also be helpful because I believe they give tours of the facility and maybe tell a bit about specific birthing procedures at the hospital.

That's all for now! I hope everyone had a Happy Chanukkah or Merry Christmas (or whatever you might celebrate).


  1. Hey, boring is good! Enjoy all of this now. You'll be watching nothing once those babies come, lol. Yay, almost time for a new belly pic!

  2. Sounds like a nice relaxing time to me. It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorite movies, I watch it every Christmas...and every Christmas I cry at the end.


  3. Do you have the book "Having Twins" by Elizabeth Noble? My mother highly recommends it.
