Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weight Loss...

I woke up to this:

Not sure if you can see it so well, but it says 140.8. Then in trying to get a good photo of the numbers, I had to weigh myself like 10 times. The first 3 or 4 times it was exactly the same, but then the silly digital scale went down to 131 and I was like "ummmm no?" and then it went to 132 and then 135 and then 139 and then up to 141 and then back down to 140.8. It was quite funny. Digital scales are whack. :-)


  1. Woooo hooooooo for hitting your mini goal. You go girl! This morning I hit the scale too when I woke up and found out I finally lost all the damn weight I gained from the IVF meds last cycle. YAY!

  2. Yeah! Congrats! I weighed myself this morning as well and am having similar digital scale issues. However it seems that I didn't lose any weight this week even though I was a pound lighter on the weekend. I suspect I'm carrying around a little extra water right now though.

  3. Yay!!! Congrats on reaching your first goal weight!

  4. And wow, congrats on the weight loss! You're doing awesome!
