Monday, February 16, 2009


Sleeping has become rather difficult. First, I get tired at strange hours. I could stay up till 3am and still toss and turn for hours. But then once I'm asleep, I could go until noon (or later) with bathroom breaks every few hours. Secondly, I can't get comfortable no matter what I do. Left side, right side, back (propped up), nothing works... And changing positions is a whole other story. I don't know how my husband sleeps through that (he might not...) It's like an earthquake! *sigh* And once the babies arrive, I'm going to have no chance to sleep. Oh well.

I've decided that the underside of my belly is totally gross. I can't see it, of course, but it feels like cottage cheese (aka cellulite) gone wrong. It's all bumpy. :-( It might be stretch marks, but either way it's going to be ugly. The rest of my belly is FULL of stretch marks, but I'm pretty sure they'll fade nicely once I get back to normal size. Well, that's the price you pay!:-)


  1. I have experienced that I will go through my rough nights of sleeping, followed by wonderful nights. And yes, rolling over in bed is a job. Do you have a recliner? Sleeping in a recliner generally provides me with the best sleep ever.

  2. I feel your pain! Getting out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom is about a 5 minute task in & of itself! Good luck- I would say use a ton of pillows, but it really only helps so much!

  3. Oh...the lack of sleep must be hurting. Insomnia and the total postural discomfort is a known trouble in pregnancy. Soon, everything will be fine and worthwhile. :)

  4. I hear you...I don't even try to flip over to my other side...if I get to sore from sleeping on one side I'll just get up out of bed...and then get back in bed and re-arrange myself. That is unless I feel like I need to go to the bathroom again while I'm standing. Sigh.

  5. Pillow between my knees is helpful. The recliner is only good sometimes. Rather, it works fine when I'm in it by myself but less so when 24-pound Boy traps me in it.

    As for the stretch marks and such...yea, they're a bit on the icky side but they do fade. Cocoa butter cream helps a little bit. Time helps more.
