Saturday, September 20, 2008


I just realized I haven't posted since last Wednesday!! Oops on me! I'm going maternity clothes shopping with a friend tomorrow. She's actually due at the beginning of November, so I believe she only really needs one skirt and that's basically it. I, on the other hand, need a whole wardrobe. I have a $100 gift card for K-Mart as well as a $100 gift card for Kohls, which I am hoping to use for a nice shopping spree. :-) My hubby tried to buy me a pregnancy body pillow, but I think I'm going to return it and get a different one...I haven't tried it out, but I don't know if it's a "real" pregnancy pillow and don't want to try it out, hate it and not be able to return it. My friend and I may also stop at Destination Maternity if we have time, but since we'll be leaving home at 9:30 and she wants to be back by noon, we may not have time.

That's all for now. My next prenatal appointment is scheduled for this Wednesday, and hopefully the doctor will be able to hear heartbeats on the doppler. I still haven't had much luck with the one I've bought, but the babies are still pretty small and tucked away...and since I do have a retroverted uterus, they're probably even farther away from the doppler than they usually would be at 9 1/2 weeks. But I'm looking forward to my uterus flipping forward within the next few weeks!!


  1. Here from NCL wishing you healthy heart beats on wednesday!

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy - how exciting! I hope your appointment goes great and that you get to hear the heartbeats, it is such a great feeling. Makes things seem so much more real. I hope you had a really good time shopping and found some great deals, I love to shop :-) I like the way you look at things, me going to term would be so nice - so thanks for the good wishes!

  3. Here from ICLW.

    Have fun shopping! And congratulations on your twin pregnancy. I saw your ultrasound pictures and they are so so precious!
