Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sorry I've been such a bad blogger lately, but nothing's been happening. I can't get my scanner to work, so no u/s pics until that happens. No new symptoms--still have BIZARRE dreams, one of which my husband actually laughed at, my nausea comes and goes, still tired, and I got up to pee at least twice last night (may have been three, but I can't really remember...I was barely awake at the time and am surprised I actually made it all the way into the bathroom and back without getting lost). I've been getting some headaches since my doctor told me to stop the baby aspirin (and I think the two are probably related) and my blood pressure has been up ever since I got pregnant (today it was 125/85 with a heart rate of 94...it's usually around 110/70 or lower).

In other news, I'm 9 weeks today! Here's the update from fertility friend:

The crown-to-rump length of your baby is about 1.25 to 1.68 inches (between 3.1 and 4.2cm). He weighs about 0.18 ounces (5g).

The placenta is now producing progesterone which helps to make nutrients for your developing baby.

Your baby has passed the stage when he is most susceptible to damage. By the end of this week, the danger zone for congenital abnormalities has passed.

The plan for your baby's body has been completely laid down by now. Further growth and cell division will build on this plan.

Taste and tooth buds have appeared.

Your baby has recently developed fingers and toes which are now well-formed. Ankles, wrists and the inner ear have formed. Your baby's nose is flat and his eyes are far apart. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all recognizable. The tail is disappearing.

Your baby is moving around the amniotic sac, and moving his feet and ankles. You still will not be able to feel these movements but you may be able to see them on an ultrasound.

Blood is circulating through the arteries and the vein of the umbilical cord.

The brain of your baby is developing at a phenomenal rate. About one quarter of a million new neurons are produced every single minute at this stage in your pregnancy.

If your baby is a boy, his testes, though they are not even clearly visible, are already producing testosterone.

Your baby is no longer called an embryo, but rather a fetus.

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