Monday, December 26, 2011

Standing Up

I had I won a Flip video camera last December and left it brand new in the box the entire year. After yesterday's super blurry video taken by my cell phone, I decided to get it out of the box. I have a really nice video camera that my mom gave to me, but at the moment I'm not sure where the battery charger is...gotta find that. In the mean time, now I have a really small, simple video camera that I can hold in one hand and has no extra pieces to lose.

Anyway, I wanted to see if I could catch a video of Tzipora getting herself up to a stand, and I did! Enjoy.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tzipora Cruising!

Tzipora will be turning one in less than a week, and she *just* figured out how to pull herself to a stand. This is the second time I've seen her do it, and right after she stood up her toy scootched forward, and she just went with it. She'll be walking before I know it. YIKES!

It's Official!!

I have an A for the semester!! I've successfully completed my first semester in nursing school and my 4.0 average is intact. *does a little jig*

In other news, I've taken up knitting as a hobby. I can do it while I read books and watch TV, so it doesn't take up any extra time. It also gives my arms a workout and I'm really proud of the things I've done so far. My first project was a scarf, and it took me over a month to do it because I used needles that were pretty small and yarn that was average sized. Next time I'll use big needles and thick yarn!! My second project was a baby hat, and it also turned out really well. That only took me two days to do. I'm already making my second one! I've opened an Etsy shop called The Knitting Midwife and put my first item in yesterday evening. Let me know what you think, and please add me as your favorite!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pictures and Stuff

First, the stuff. Tzipora waved at me for the first time today!! It was super cute. I waved at her and she waved back. I don't think the twins were doing it until well past their first birthday, so she's far ahead of them.

Dovid knows his left from his right. Twice now he's been holding one of my hands and then asked for the other one. For example I try to hold him with my right hand and he goes "no, I want to hold your left hand!" It's super adorable and shocking that he knows this kind of thing already.

My sister and brother-in-law came for a visit this weekend, so of course a ton of pictures were taken. Here are two slideshows of pictures taken by them. The eighth picture in the second slideshow is one of Dovid that looks like it could've been a picture of Shmuel taken as a little boy. In fact, I have a picture of Shmuel that looks almost exactly like it! It's a bit creepy... Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Slowly but surely Tzipora is learning to crawl forwards. She's been able to scootch backwards for a while now, but since she could get around pretty well that way she never really tried forward much. Just in the past few weeks she's become super mobile. She learned how to sit up by herself, so now I'll find her sitting in her crib after a nap. (Don't worry, I set the crib at its lowest.) She's also been trying to stand up, but she'll try from a sitting position and get herself into what looks like a "downward-facing dog" yoga pose. But just tonight I saw a real forward crawl - the way you picture babies crawling. The pediatrician was right! She said Tzipora would figure it out within a month to six weeks and she did! Yay!! She's getting to be such a big girl.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stuff and Whatnot

Do you remember my friend who got pregnant last April? Remember that she was pregnant with twins? Well she had her babies a few weeks ago!!! Her little girl just came home from the hospital today and her little boy will hopefully be coming home over the weekend. We are super excited for her!!!!!!!

Do you remember back last summer when we were supposed to be getting a new live-in? Well she finally recovered, and it turns out that she didn't actually bail on me without saying goodbye, but one of her friends was messing with me since she didn't want her to move to Boston. She's actually here now (along with a second au pair - I'm spoiled), and we are SO EXCITED!!! Both live-ins are fantastic, and the kids adore them.

And now for my awesomeness. I spilled water on my laptop the other day and thought I was completely done-for. So I ordered a new computer using my credit card reward points. But then I called Toshiba with a problem - a few of my letter keys weren't working since the water accident and I needed at least one of them cuz it's in my computer password. He showed me how to do that. Then I realized that maybe I could solve my letter problems by getting a new keyboard. So I ordered one. It arrived today, and I installed the keyboard all by myself!!!! I saved $100 doing that, and it wasn't too difficult, either. And it works! My computer is just as good as it was before the water thingy...and I'm still getting a new one cuz I can't cancel that order. Ahh well, there are worse things than a brand new computer!