Friday, August 20, 2010

Belly Pics

It is time for another installment of "Elana's Belly"! I didn't take an 18 week picture because I don't think my belly changed size between 16 and 18 fact I think it got smaller. lol But now it's grown again!! Take a look:

We have 20 weeks this pregnancy on the left and 20 weeks last pregnancy on the right. It looks like I'm bigger than I was last time! Dunno how that's possible because I don't have nearly as much baby in there nor am I that uncomfortable.

Now here's the comparison for this pregnancy. I'm absolutely and unequivocally bigger. (14 weeks on the left, 16 weeks in the middle, 20 weeks on the right)

I think I now look like somewhere in betweetn my 24 and 26 week pics of the twins, and possibly even a little bigger than the 26 week picture. (24 weeks w/ twins on left, 20 weeks now in middle, 26 week w/ twins on right)

I grew a ton between 26 and 28 weeks with the twins, so I don't think I'll catch up to that one quite yet. We'll see!!! Good grief I thought this was supposed to slow down. hehe

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