Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Upsherin/Birthday Party

Chana and Dovid had *so* much fun at the party today!! There was lots of food, friends and cake. Dovid got some of his hair snipped off, although we still need to take him for a "real" haircut. Both twins got lots of great presents, and it was so much fun mingling with our friends. Here are some pictures from the event and a video of opening presents. But first, I promised pictures of Chana lighting Shabbos candles for the first time, so here they are!

Here she is lighting her candle

Now mommy needs to put out the "match" flame (we used a Chanukkah candle instead of a match)

And Chana says the bracha!

Here are lots of pictures from the party

And this is the video of opening presents

Happy birthday twinners!!! I can't believe you're already 3 years old. It seems like yesterday you two were just babies, and now you're big kids. You talk in full sentences, you want to do everything for yourselves, and you even (sometimes) use the potty. It's been amazing watching you grow, and I look forward to continue watching you both for many years to come!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Candles and Tzitzes

The twins turned three today...well, it's their Hebrew birthday. So that means that Jewishly they are three. That's actually a REALLY big deal. It means that Dovid now gets to wear a kippa (aka yarmulke) and tzitzes, and Chana gets to light Shabbos candles every week. It also means that Chana only wears skirts/dresses now, just like her mommy! Here are some pictures from the big event.

We're going to take pictures of Chana lighting her Shabbos candles (before Shabbos actually starts, of course) so we'll post those later on, and the twins have a birthday parting on Sunday. At that birthday party, also called an upsherin for Dovid, Dovid will get his first haircut. Yikes!!! I love those curls and will miss them. :-(

Sunday, March 4, 2012


My sister and brother-in-law came for a visit this weekend, so of course there are pictures! We had so much fun visiting the Children's Museum with everyone. Dovid enjoyed "driving" the school bus and Chana LOVES playing with the huge water tables. Tzipora's favorite place is the small room just for babies. She and Shmuel got in some serious play time there before I took over for him. All in all it was a great time!